About Us
What is our mission?
The mission of this web page is to keep the citizens of Terrebonne Oregon informed of the actions taken by and the plans being put in motion by the Terrebonne Sanitary District. (TSD).
We believe that the TSD was created, and now run, by businesses and property owners that are looking to use Deschutes County, the State of Oregon, and the good citizens of Terrebonne to fund a sewer system for their own benefit.
Three of the four members that now serve on the TSD board own property in the new district but do NOT live here. If this project is put in place, these three board members will be able to develop their property or expand their business and put money in their pockets.
Our biggest concern about the Terrebonne Sanitary District is the costs they are looking to inflict on citizens within their district’s boundaries to fund this project. We strongly suggest you view the map on this site to see if your home is in the district’s boundaries. Make no mistake, the ultimate goal of TSD is to get all of Terrebonne inside the district. At some point they will be coming for you. Make your voice heard before this happens.
We will be adding to this site as the efforts to move forward on this project unfold. We will be talking about costs of the project, cost to citizens to connect, efforts to put a sewer pipe near the Terrebonne Domestic Water District’s (TDWD) well and many other subjects.