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What is the Truth About Terrebonne Estates?

Feb 20, 2025 | Meetings, Public Comments

We would like to thank one of our readers for putting us on to this story

Today we are going to review a few statements from Mike Mooers, one of the owners of Terrebonne Estates PUD (Private Utility District). The first statement from Mike was made in a story on Central Oregon Daily concerning notices circulated in Terrebonne Estates. The second one is from statements he made at the Terrebonne Sanitary District board meeting on August 15th, 2024.

We have included both the audio and the transcript of each statement for your review:

Mike Mooers, owner of Terrebonne Estates PUD, discusses selling the district

I have no idea of what the motivation is. It’s just a masked person that’s not happy with the progress. …that we are selling the property, and that we were going to develop the property. There are no plans to do that at this time.

Mike Mooers plans to sell the Terrebonne Estates PUD

Mike Mooers:I have another question if I can. I’m just curious about the waivers, I saw that you said you have 96 waivers, not waivers but applications. I’m getting ready to send out a letter to my clients and I’m going to encourage them to also sign up for that. I’m just curious if any in the subdivision that we service have already signed up, if that’s public knowledge?

Ryan Rudnick:There is one, and least one. There were some questions, there was some confusion or uncertainty let’s say whether there is an issue with them already being a part of another district that provides sewer. The private utility district, it’s not a public sewer district and so I’m not sure that applies. So I’m kind of waiting to see how that sorts out with the annexations resolution, if county legal kind of flags that as a conflict of service so to speak.

Mike Mooers:It’s not really going to be difficult because I have approval from DEQ to do my repairs and fixes. Basically I’m going to have to match your guy’s rate in order to cover the loan to do that 1, and 2 this letter is going to encourage them to do that. That my plan is that as soon as the system is in and people are starting to hook up to it, our system will be taken out and that land will be up for sale for development. So that’s kind of why I visit these board meetings every once in a while so I want to stay up to date so that I can let my clients know they need to start preparing for that.

This recording does go further than our transcript so please listen until the end. It seems to us that Mr. Mooers was not telling the whole story when he talked to the Central Oregon Daily. The Terrebonne PUD will be going away and the residences of that area will have to connect to the new sewer system, there will be a cost.

And just so you better understand what they are not telling you, here is a little statement from Linda Swearingen, a consultant to TSD, that was attending that meeting.

“…each of your folks will be responsible for system development charges,” (this number is $7,500)  “they’re not going to like that.

Side note: here is what the sanitary district said that Mike Mooers talked about at their board meeting on August 15th.

TSD Board Meeting Notes 8/15/2024 (click to read meeting notes)

“Mike Mooers asked if the Board’s Zoom meetings were being recorded and available to the public. The Board stated that the Zoom meetings were recorded and soon to be made available on the district’s website.”

Mike Mooers never said any such thing. We have listened to the entire meeting several times and can not find where Mr. Mooers says anything like that. He did ask where the meeting notes were posted but nothing Mr. Mooers said about Terrebonne Estates was included in the meetings notes accepted and posted by the board. Mr. Mooers spoke for 6.34 minutes about Terrebonne Estates PUD outside the public comment time.

We have other concerns that you can read about on previous blogs so please read any that you find interesting. We welcome all our readers to sign up and subscribe (bottom of home page) for our newsletter and updates so you never miss a story.

Terrebonne Sanitary District (TSD) – (425) 242-2458
Let your voices be heard. Contact the Terrebonne Sanitary District by phone, their website, or attend their meetings. Times and dates of all meetings are posted on their website.


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