We understand that the Terrebonne Sanitary District wants to paint a picture that shows there is a crisis with septic systems. By lighting their hair on fire they try to gin up the big theory that there is a BIG problem with the septic systems here in Terrebonne and we all pay attention. Well, we believe that most private systems in Terrebonne are just fine. Let’s review some of the FAQs on the TSD website.
What’s wrong with the septic systems that currently serve Terrebonne?
Many of the septic systems in Terrebonne were installed over shallow bedrock more than 30 years ago and are reaching the end of their life cycle. Failing septic systems can result in health risks, expensive repairs, and the closure of residences and businesses when septic systems cannot be repaired. With the shallow bedrock and small lot sizes in Terrebonne, onsite wastewater systems are not a safe and sustainable solution for our community.
They say failing systems can cause “health risks”. When has that ever happened here in Terrebonne? Did someone get sick or even die? Of course not. This is a scare tactic to get us to buy into their system.
There can be “expensive repairs”…well duh. Very old systems may need repairs especially if they are not taken care of. That’s part of being a homeowner. By our calculations most repairs are much less than the cost to connect to the sewer system.
This is the one we really love, “and the closure of residences and businesses”. Let’s make a list of all the homes and businesses that have closed in the Terrebonne area due to septic failure. The number is 0. Let’s repeat that… ZERO, NONE, NADA.
And lastly, “onsite wastewater systems are not safe”. Are you kidding me..not safe? That is what we can call just plain and simple propaganda at its worst.
Are local septic systems experiencing problems?
Deschutes County has observed a noticeable increase in septic repair permits in the last few years, resulting in expensive repair costs. The Deschutes County Sanitarian has reported that Terrebonne has a septic system failure rate that is roughly two times higher than the rest of the County, largely due to the age of onsite systems, shallow impermeable bedrock, and inadequate lot sizes for proper drainfields.
So if Terrebonne has been here since the 1930s, do you think some septic systems may need repairs or upgrades…of course. And lets just remind TSD that their pipes will be on top of the impermeable bedrock also. What will happen if one of those pipes leaks or is damaged? You got it…a big old pile of septic runoff.
Are there any health risks to people or pets?
When septic systems fail, people and pets can be exposed to raw sewage that includes infectious bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Toxic fumes including Methane gas, Hydrogen Sulfide gas, and airborne bacteria can lead to sinus infections and other respiratory problems.
Dog and cats living together….(sorry, could not resist that one), (Ghostbusters quote by Bill Murry, 1984). But we digress. Almost every word in this statement is meant to scare you. You know how it is when people start throwing around SCARY words….they want you to do what they want and they want you to PAY FOR IT. And that is that.
Terrebonne Sanitary District (TSD) – (425) 242-2458
Let your voices be heard. Contact the Terrebonne Sanitary District by phone, their website, or attend their meetings. Times and dates of all meetings are posted on their website.
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