Update: On 11/14/2024 it came to our attention that this memo had not been released to the public before we posted it on this site. Although we feel as part of the free press we do have a right to present anything within reason to the public, as a sign of good faith we pulled the post. As of 11/15/2024, the memo had been posted on the TSD website making it a public record. There was a minor change to the section on compensation and we have since inserted the new wording.
This is a copy of an agreement between the Terrebonne Sanitary District (TSD) and the Redmond School District to run a sewer line through the Terrebonne Elementary Community School’s property.
This agreement was the result of the decision by TSD to avoid running that sewer line near the public water well on B Street.
It is our understanding that the Terrebonne Domestic Water District (TDWD) is good with this plan to protect Terrebonne’s only water source.
DRAFT – Memorandum of Understanding
Terrebonne Sanitary District
Address: PO Box 2171, Terrebonne OR 97760
Contact: Tim Brown, District Board President
Redmond School District
Address: 145 SE Salmon Drive, Redmond, OR 97756
Contact: NAME , TITLEMarc Horner, Director of Facilities
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) sets forth the terms and understanding between the Terrebonne Sanitary District (TSD) and the Redmond School District (RSD) regarding the dedication of a sewer easement through the Terrebonne Community School Property located at 1199 B Avenue, as illustrated in Exhibit A.
- Easement Description:
– A 20-foot wide sewer easement along the western edge of the RSD property, as shown in Exhibit A.
– The installed sewer alignment may vary within the 20-foot easement to minimize impacts to trees, fence posts, and other surface features.
- Installation and Restoration:
– The sewer line installation will be carried out with minimal disturbance to the surface. Horizontal directional drilling may be used to achieve this.
– Any area disturbed by the sewer line installation will be restored to its prior condition by TSD.
- Compensation:
– TSD will compensate RSD for the easement in a mutually agreeable amount later determined by the parties. The easement compensation will be based on the cost of the System Development Charges (SDCs) due to the TSD from RSD for the school’s connection to the sewer system and will be in the form of a credit towards the System Development Charges (SDCs) due to the TSD.
- Survey and Recording:
– An easement document will be prepared by a licensed surveyor and recorded with Deschutes County, at the expense of the TSD.
Terrebonne Sanitary District:
– Ensure the preparation and recording of the easement document.
– Oversee the installation of the sewer line, ensuring minimal surface impact and restoration of surface conditions.
– Compensate the Redmond School District as agreed.
Redmond School District:
– Grant the easement as described.
– Allow access to the property for the installation and maintenance of the sewer line.
This MOU will remain in effect until the completion of the sewer line installation and the restoration of the disturbed area, or until terminated by mutual agreement of both parties.
This MOU may be amended by mutual written consent of both parties.
Tim Brown – District Board President – Terrebonne Sanitary District
Date: _______________
_____________________________ (Name)
_____________________________ (Title)
Redmond School District
Date: _______________