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Connection to the District Through Annexation

Jul 23, 2024 | Annexation

In early 2024 the board of the Terrebonne Sanitary District (TSD) sent out a letter to every member of the unincorporated area of Terrebonne offering up an invitation to annex into the TSD. Wow…that is really nice of them to offer to let everyone that wanted to connect to the system to just join in!

After viewing the Annexation Application Form, we at Terrebonne Sewer District feel that what they are NOT telling you is much more pertinent than when they do tell you…..let’s take a look at what we found.

“Annexation into the District is voluntary and subject to approval by the board” Thank goodness it is voluntary but do you believe they would NOT approve you? The whole reason they are asking for folks to annex in is so it “looks” good when they apply for loans. It is very unlikely anyone that is annexed in would get connected in the first 10 years, if ever.

“The Terrebonne Sanitary District intends to eventually provide service to all properties approved for annexation BUT (and this is big BUT) it makes no guarantee to extend sewer mains to the annexed property”. Here is why they say that: do you think they would run a sewer main, let’s say 300 feet, so you can connect your homes. Our contacts tell us that cutting through the rock that is all over our little town, would cost about $150 A FOOT! That line would cost about $45,000. They can not do that and they never would.

“Annexation of additional areas will influence future system expansion”. I believe that but if you have read our post on the Proposed Budget, you know that the district is already in over its head before they get started they don’t know it.

“If a sewer main also becomes physically available along the annexed property frontage, DEQ may deny applications for onsite system installation, alteration or repair permits”. This means if your septic fails and there is sewer line near your property you will not be permitted to repair YOUR septic. You will have to connect to the sewer at a cost of $15,000 to $32,000! You will have no choice.

“Annexed property will be subject to Terrebonne Sanitary District rules, regulations, and fees upon connection to the sewer system”.

Now why do they not mention what those fees might be? They know it is written right in the Feasibility Report. Why not say “It will cost you $8250 to $25,000 to upgrade your septic, $6,480 for SDC fees when you connect, and $100 a month forever”. We believe most folks did not understand what they were signing up for. WE believe that most people thought that the connection would be paid by someone else or be a very low cost.

If you have property and are looking to subdivide or add new homes, all the cost of running pipe on your property is ON YOU. You pay for everything from the main at the road to the homes… all of it.

We believe that the annexation offer was a ruse at best and underhanded at worst. If you are one of those that signed up for annexation you might want to reconsider. Contact the district directly: