Just to clear the air we are going to address a few concerns we heard while attending the last meeting of the Terrebonne Sanitary District (this is them not us). We attended their meetings via Zoom.
Since the Terrebonne Sanitary District (this is them not us) is concerned we will make this very clear:
We are not the Terrebonne Sanitary District.
We do not speak for the Terrebonne Sanitary District.
We have no connection to the Terrebonne Sanitary District.
Please do not confuse us with the Terrebonne Sanitary District.
There you go, done!
This should answer a question from one of our readers.
“Who is Sewer and who is Sanitary!”
TSD (them, not us) is concerned that the name of our site is similar to theirs. We agree with this statement. Similar, but not the same. We are willing to discuss this issue with the Terrebonne Sanitary District, but of course they NEVER communicate with us. Give us a ring through our website and we will talk. Contact Page (we are making this very simple, click to go to our contact page)
TSD is concerned that we put out false or misleading information. If this is the case then by all means point it out to us. We have stated many times that we will address any issues or areas of concern and correct any errors we have made. Again we NEVER hear from the sanitary district (them, not us).
By the way TSD talks about us as though they think we oppose their project. This again is not true and is an assumption. We here at Terrebonne Sewer District (us, not them) object to how the district communicates (or lack of) with the public. We are VERY concerned that they do not always answer questions from the public. It seems there is one person that they never answer questions from because “they do not have time”.
We are very concerned about the financing the district is facing . We believe that the number of ratepayers that are in the district will not be enough to support the district. Why would this district move forward when they have not even done an update of their official budget that was done in 2022. As an example, the interest rate on their original budget for loans they said was .94% plus .50%. (Engineering Report page 93). Currently that loan would cost 1.62% plus .50% (DEQ Rates)(click to see current rates). That looks like a substantial increase, in fact it is a 68.75% increase and yet no updated budget.
We have other concerns that you can read about on previous blogs so please read any that you find interesting. We welcome all our readers to sign up and subscribe (bottom of home page) for our newsletter and updates so you never miss a story.
Terrebonne Sanitary District (TSD) – (425) 242-2458
Let your voices be heard. Contact the Terrebonne Sanitary District by phone, their website, or attend their meetings. Times and dates of all meetings are posted on their website.
Thank you for the clarification. That was very helpful