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Sewer Line Near Terrebonne Water District Wells

Nov 4, 2024 | Contamination, Oregon Health Authority

Update October 25th, 2024

This letter was recently posted to the Terrebonne Domestic Water District’s (TDWD) website and Facebook page. Read through this letter and we will talk about what it means to you and the water district.

From: Terrebonne Domestic Water District, Board of Directors
To: Citizens of Terrebonne

As most of you are aware, the board of directors of the Terrebonne Domestic Water District (TDWD) had recently sent out a letter voicing the Board’s concerns about a sewer line that was set to be placed near TDWD’s water well. With that letter the Board also asked you to sign a petition stating your support of the Board’s position on this intrusion.

At this time we are pleased to inform you that the Terrebonne Sanitary District (TSD) and their engineering firm Parametrix have agreed to respect TDWD’s request to keep the proposed sewer outside the requested 100 foot buffer zone. The Board feels that by moving the proposed sewer line away from the District’s water source, the community’s wells will be protected into the future.

Most importantly, the Board of TDWD would like to thank the members of our community that signed the petition, wrote letters and called local officials in support of your local water District. It is through your efforts that we were able to protect our water.
TDWD would also like to thank the Board of the TSD, Parametrix, Deschutes County officials and Deschutes County Commissioner Tony DeBone for meeting with TDWD to resolve this issue.

The Board of Directors of the Terrebonne Domestic Water District’s number one goal is to protect the District’s water source. Without clean, clear, untreated water we cannot serve the good people of Terrebonne as they deserve. Thank you for your support.

If you have any questions concerning this matter feel free to call the water district or visit the District’s website and send us your questions.

Sincerely: Eric Fisher – Board President
Kevin Byrne – Treasurer
Jim Wilhelm – Secretary
Velda Aldous – Board Member
Matt Banton – Board Member
Dan Bruce – General Manager


Note From Terrebonne Sewer District:

We here at Terrebonne Sanitary District believe that this letter signifies a big time win for TDWD. According to our sources, TWDW has been fighting this sewer line issue for over 7 months. TDWD’s efforts included numerous meeting with Terrebonne Sanitary District (TSD), Parametrix, Deschutes County, the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Deschutes County Commissioners, Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and the Oregon Governor’s Office. The Terrebonne Domestic Water District stood alone against all these entities and came out with a great big WIN.

As is noted in the letter, TDWD had also started a petition for the citizens of Terrebonne to voice their opinion concerning this issue. (Terrebonne Sanitary District did not broadcast or post a link to this petition because we feel our mission is to inform and not advocate.)
The impact of the petition can not be overstated. About 225 people signed the petition opposing the sewer line near the water wells. That number is about 10 times more people than voted to create the Terrebonne Sanitary District in the first place. We firmly believe that introduction of this petition and the phone calls and letters sent to TSD and the County forced them to capitulate on this issue.

A big shout to the Board of Commissions and General Manager of Terrebonne Domestic Water District and the good citizens of Terrebonne for hanging tough and protecting their water source.
Well Done All!