The Terrebonne Domestic Water District’s (TDWD) Management and the District’s Board of Directors are writing to you today to share our concerns about a proposed threat to the District’s water wells that are the community’s ONLY water source. TDWD feels it is important that the community be made aware of this threat so that you can make your voice heard concerning this matter.
In May of this year TDWD learned that the new sewer district, Terrebonne Sanitary District (TSD) had been granted a waiver to place a high-pressure sewer line inside the standard 100-foot boundary surrounding the TDWD wells. TDWD was never contacted about placement of a hazardous sewer line near the community’s ONLY water source. After voicing their concerns to Oregon Health Authority (OHA), TDWD was able to have this waiver reversed. TDWD was highly concerned regarding the hazard of high-pressure sewer lines so close to the communities ONLY water source. After the reversal of the waiver by OHA, TDWD assumed they had eliminated the threat.
We have now learned that the Terrebonne Sanitary District and Deschutes County are now challenging the required well protection zone and are again attempting to place that sewer line near the wells. TDWD has pleaded with TSD and Deschutes County to reroute their sewer line to one of many other routes that could have been used, but they both refused. TSD and Deschutes County are showing little concern for the issues raised by TDWD and have stated “it is too late”, and “that would cost too much” to protect the communities ONLY water source. We know it is NOT too late, as system plans are still not finalized and submitted for approval.
At this point the community needs to raise its collective voice to stop this attempt by TSD and Deschutes County to place sewer lines near our wells. TDWD is asking that you contact and/or attend meetings of the TSD and of the Deschutes County commissioners to stop this threat to the Community’s ONLY water source. It will come down to all of us pulling together to fight off the threat of losing our community’s CLEAN AND PURE DRINKING WATER!
Please help. Listed below is the contact information and the meeting dates of the Terrebonne Sanitary District, and contact information for the county. If you have any concerns or questions, feel free to contact TDWD at 541-548-2727.
Terrebonne Sanitary District – (425) 242-2458
PO Box 2171, Terrebonne OR 97760
Email Address:
Board Meetings are on the third Thursday of the month at 3:30pm @ Smith Rock Community Church. Oct 17th and Nov 21st meetings will be Zoom only at 11:00AM and directions and information can be found on their website.
Commissioner – Patti Adair
Phone: (541) 388-6567
Commissioner – Phil Chang
Phone: (541) 388-6569
Commissioner – Tony DeBone
Phone: (541) 388-6568
Let your voices be heard. Contact the Terrebonne Sanitary District by phone, their website, or attend their meetings. Times and dates of all meetings are posted on their website.