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Terrebonne Sanitary District – Sewer System Hook-up Fees – Part 2

Sep 4, 2024 | Hook-Up Fees

This is a copy of page 100 from the 2022 Terrebonne Wastewater System Preliminary Engineering Report.*

The costs listed are what it would cost each property owner to retrofit their septic system to be able to connect to the sewer system.

8.6 Onsite Connection Costs

There are four basic scenarios for on-site upgrades that will be necessary for customers to connect to the proposed STEP collection system. The effluent pump sizing and related on-site upgrade costs for properties over 5 EDUs will need to be determined on a case-by-case basis. Retrofit effluent pump systems (ProPak) and replacement septic tank/effluent pump systems (Prelos) are described further in Section 7.1.1. These are summarized in Table 8-7 with cost ranges based on multiple contractor estimates (see Appendix J, Onsite Installation Cost Estimates):

Bear in mind these are cost estimates from 2022- Do you think costs have gone up?

Table 8-7. Onsite System Upgrade Scenarios and Estimated Costs

Scenario Description Estimated Onsite Upgrade Costs (to Property Owner)
R1 Residential property with a good-condition septic tank requiring retrofit installation of a ProPak system (BPP10DD, PF1005 pump) $8,250–$13,750
R2 Residential property with a poor-condition septic tank requiring replacement with a Prelos Processor $15,000–$25,000
C1 Commercial property (3–5 EDUs) with a good-condition septic tank requiring retrofit installation of a ProPak system (BPP30DD, PF3010 pump) $8,500–$14,500
C2 Commercial property (3–5 EDUs) with a poor-condition septic tank requiring replacement with a 3,000-gallon septic tank and ProPak system (BPP30DD, PF3010 pump) $16,000–$27,000

While these on-site system upgrade costs may be a financial burden for some property owners, there are several strategies the District can consider to help ease this burden. DEQ has initiated a new program called the Onsite Septic Financial Aid Program (OSFAP), which provides grants to low- and moderate-income residents for on-site septic system repairs and upgrades to connect to public sewer.

Once formed, the Terrebonne Sanitary District board will be eligible to apply for OSFAP funding on behalf of future Terrebonne customers who will need financial assistance. Other customers who do not qualify for these grants may be able to finance these on-site upgrades with a line of credit that is secured by equity

There is no guarantee that you will get assistance to cover the cost of the retrofit on your system. If there is no grant money for you, they want you to take out a loan on your house.