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Terrebonne Sanitary District – Sewer Line Near Terrebonne Domestic Water District Wells

Sep 18, 2024 | Contamination, Oregon Health Authority

Update September 18th, 2024

As stated in a previous post, we had been informed that Parametrix (engineering) and the Terrebonne Sanitary District (TSD) had sought and received a waiver to place a sewer line within 100 feet of our local public water well. It was also our understanding that our local water district, Terrebonne Domestic Water District (TDWD), had not been involved or advised about the waiver until after it was issued.

Now, after digging into this situation a little more we have been able to get access to over 30 emails between OHA, DEQ, DOJ, Parametrix, and the Governor’s Office. These emails are dated between October 12th 2023 and May 23rd 2024. To no one’s surprise, not one of these emails is addressed to or copied to our local water district. For eight full months the water district was totally left out of the loop.

It is our opinion that Parametrix purposely did not contact the water district because they knew that they would object to having the sewer line near their wells. Not only do we believe that Parametrix purposely did not contact the water district, we also believe they misled OHA about who was applying for the waiver.

Here are a few lines from an internal email from OHA dated May 20th 2024 concerning the waiver:

Apparently the sewer and the water district are completely separate”
“He (Dan, Manager of TDWD) wasn’t aware that the consulting firm (Parametrix) was doing this on their behalf”.

To top this all off we have now heard that the interested parties will be meeting again on this subject to try and “work it out”. We can not allow this to move forward. Call or write the Terrebonne Sanitary District and tell them to STOP!
(425) 242-2458