On January 31st, 2023 Ryan Rudnick, from Parametrix Engineering working for Terrebonne Sanitary District (TSD), filed for a waiver from Oregon Health Authority (OHA) – Drinking Water Services to place a sewer line inside the standard 100 feet setback from a public water well.
Neither Mr. Rudnick nor any of the TSD Board made any attempt to contact Terrebonne Domestic Water District (TDWD) concerning this sewer line near its wells. TDWD did not learn about the waiver until April 2023 AFTER the waiver was GRANTED.
When TDWD learned of the waiver they contacted OHA, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Deschutes County Health Department, Oregon Water Resources Department (DWRD) and their lawyer to protest this waiver that could put the District’s only water source in danger.
Although TDWD’s wells are fairly deep there is no guarantee that a damaged or leaking sewer system would not contaminate the well. The well TSD was looking to intrude on is one of two wells the district used to supply water to our community. These two wells draw from the same aquafilter and if one of the wells becomes contaminated, both will become contaminated and the community is OUT OF WATER.
Once a demand letter was sent to OHA from the district’s lawyer stating the law and TDWD’s concerns, the waiver was withdrawn. TDWD is still concerned the sewer district will try again to put a pressurized sewer line near their wells. Feel free to contact Terrebonne Sanitary District to let them know you do not want sewer water in your drinking water!
Note on the attached letter from OHA that the waiver was issued to TDWD not TSD … What’s the deal… They made it seem that the Water District was requesting the waiver NOT the sewer district. The following forms were acquired from the water district with a FOIA request.