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Who Will Pay For The Sewer System?

Aug 12, 2024 | EDUs, Hook-Up Fees

How Many Homes and Businesses Are In the Terrebonne Sanitary District That Will Pay for Service?

Let’s start with the number of ratepayers or Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDUs) the District is “budgeting” to be paying when the system starts serving its customers:

That number is 160 (EDUs)

What they are saying is each home will count for “one” and each business will count a number based on how much sewage they generate. For example the market may be 6 (their usage divided by average usage: 3000 gl / 500 gl).

Not every business will count for more than “one”. The Post Office, the Hardware Store, and The Point will only count for “one” because they use about the same number of gallons as the average home.

Here is a list of those businesses that will count for more than “one”:

  • Ferguson’s Market – 2
  • Pump House – 2
  • Oliver Lemons – 6
  • Terrebonne School – 6
  • Rustic Ranch Trailer Park – 30 (if they charge them one EDU per trailer)

That is a total of 46 (EDUs)

Now there are only 86 more lots in the district to count for the remaining EDUs. Since the district will not require hooking up, how many of those 86 will want to pay $20,000 to $30,000 to CONNECT.

LET’S SAY THEY ARE LUCKY AND 50% HOOK UP! That makes 43 more EDUs

Soooo… now we have a grand total of 86 EDUs NOT 160
86 total units to fund a $7,000,000 project.


What if the school does not hook up. That would be -6

What if the trailer park does not get charged for the full 30 hook-ups? A lot of districts give trailer parks the ‘deal’…that could be -15

What if 75% of the homes in the district say: “NO, I will not pay that kind of money”. We Believe This is VERY LIKELY..

Now our total number of EDUs is down to a grand total of:
43 EDUs PAYING FOR A $7,000,000 SYSTEM

Boy that sounds like a good idea…..what could go WRONG??