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Participation in Terrebonne Sanitary District Meetings?

Who can participate in Terrebonne Sanitary District meetings and conversations? The answer to this question is very simple: EVERYONE, and yes we mean EVERYONE. You do not have to live in the district, Terrebonne, or even in the State of Oregon. Oregon’s Open Meeting...

Terrebonne Sanitary District – Sewer System Hook-up Fees

Most people that are interested in connecting to the coming sewer system seem to be under the impression that it will be free to connect and they just start making monthly payments for service. Nothing could be further from the truth.Why do you think the sewer board...

Terrebonne Sanitary District – 2022 Proposed Budget

.One of our reporters has been looking into the Terrebonne Sanitary District’s proposed budget and we have a few questions. First, as we have stated before, this budget is full of very old numbers, but we believe it is also full of exaggerated and understated numbers....

Crescent Sanitary District – A Tale of Woe

We have uncovered a true tale of woe that does not bode well for our local sewer district, Terrebonne Sanitary District. Could TSD be going down this same road? In 2018 the city of Crescent, Oregon decided to build a sewer system to eliminate septic systems in its...

Who Will Pay For The Sewer System?

How Many Homes and Businesses Are In the Terrebonne Sanitary District That Will Pay for Service? Let’s start with the number of ratepayers or Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDUs) the District is “budgeting” to be paying when the system starts serving its customers: That...

Connection to the District Through Annexation

In early 2024 the board of the Terrebonne Sanitary District (TSD) sent out a letter to every member of the unincorporated area of Terrebonne offering up an invitation to annex into the TSD. Wow…that is really nice of them to offer to let everyone that wanted to...